Call it an “urban ministry sampler.” Your group will participate in several (or all) of the following:

  • Spend 3-4 days in Priority 1 housing in New York City (check for availability, or may be full-week)

  • Help feed the homeless and disadvantaged families

  • Assist with a soup kitchen/food pantry

  • Tutor and build relationships with inner-city children at an after-school program

  • Sort and package donations for distribution to the needy at the World Vision Storehouse

  • Gain a greater understanding of the lives and needs of people in the inner city

  • Personally engage in opportunities to share your faith through word and service

  • Grow a greater burden and passion for people in your own heart as you share the love of Jesus

  • Experience cross-cultural missions without leaving the country

  • Priority 1 & all ministry partners have made adjustments concerning CDC safety & health concern guidelines

Who can participate in NYC Encounter Weekend or Full-week: [Group size: minimum - 5]

  • Church groups - Youth, Sunday School classes, Bible Study groups, Small groups, College/Career groups, Families, Retirees, & others

  • School groups - Jr/Sr High School with adult leaders, Christian school classes, Christian sororities/fraternities, & others (during school breaks)

Weekend cost: $210/person (more than 3 nights will be prorated); Full-week cost: $375/person

Cost includes lodging, all but 1 meal during prayer walk (intentional sight-seeing), training, and orientation

For more information, email: