Summer international teams involve a 1-2 week commitment, and teams are comprised of youth groups or individuals who apply from all over. Teams consist of youth (14 or older) and adult leaders (at least 21). Your team will receive training prior to the trip dates (to be arranged with Priority 1 staff). Upon arrival at the designated mission field, your team will serve with career missionaries and/or ministries conducting children’s Bible camps, work projects for national churches or mission organizations, and other types of outreach ministry as opportunities become available. Dates are flexible and arranged on availability/need basis between missionary host and team.
We, as Christ-followers, have been called to “go and make disciples of all nations” (Matt. 28:19), and Priority 1 takes that calling seriously. You could have the priceless opportunity to encourage someone who has little hope, to give joy to someone who has lost it, or to bring Jesus to a child who has never heard His name before. It is a wonderful privilege to serve in obedience to Jesus.
Here are what some of our former team members have said about their experiences:
“God taught me a lot about myself. My eyes were really opened to a lot of nicks and scratches that needed to be fixed up. I learned that I have some priorities that are out of line and that I need to give every single situation over to God.”
“There are only those who are missionaries and the people who need to hear. If you know Jesus you need to tell others about Him.”
“I complained about no hot water – [I] realized that these kids didn’t even have running water [and I] felt very selfish and ungrateful.”
“[The most significant lesson God taught me was] just how to have faith, and most importantly, the power of prayer; how much prayer really does make a difference and how necessary it is.”
Click HERE for more information or for an application.